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Ant Rulers Grades 3-6
A fun and creative way for students to learn how to use and read a ruler.
Submitted by: C. Damigo (This lesson was printed in The Teacher's Corner http://teacherscorner.bc.ca/index.html weekly newsletter.)
Attributes Grade Kindergarten
Summary: A great way for students to sort, compare and contrast.
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Lesson Objectives/Description: The student will be able to sort attribute blocks by size, color, shape and thickness.
Materials/Preparation: three hula hoops, set of attribute blocks
Activity: Show the students two of the hula hoops which lay on the floor to make a Venn diagram. Use two colors of the attribute blocks to sort them by color, then add the third hula hoop and label each hoop with "blue", "thick" and "triangle" - have the students sort the shapes until they discover that in the middle the only shapes that fit in are the thick, blue triangles. It's a great way to see how things are alike and different and really helps teach compare/contrast and the students love to place their shape on the Venn Diagram.
Assessment/Extensions: After learning how to sort using a Venn Diagram, the students can compare/contrast characters in stories, students in the class, clothes, etc.
Any additional Comments: It's one my students' favorite activities. They never tire of using the Venn diagrams.
Submitted by: Veronica Durnell
If you have metal washers (the kinds with a hole in it found at hardware stores) you can use them for counters. Make sure the hole is LARGE so fingers don't get stuck. Kids can put them on their fingers and use them as counters, great tactile learning!
Submitted by: TTC Visitor
Doubling Grades 1-2
After singing the 'Ants Go Marching' and discussing the rules of doubling, students will be able to create their own math sentence, through the use of symmetry, that accurately displays doubling.
Submitted by: Kate Bradley RWLABUSER@email-removed
Hershey Bar Challenge Grades Intermediate
Make your math lesson a little sweeter!
Submitted by: Avis abreding@email-removed
Leaf Patterns Grades K-1, requires Kidspiration software
This Kidspiration computer activity allows students to practice their patterning skills with "piles" of fall leaves.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Mean, Mode Mode and Range Grades Various
Summary: Use playing cards in a game to practice Mean, Mode Mode and Range.
Here's an easy game for teaching mode, median and range (you could probably figure mean also). There is a variation for each statistic. Take a deck of cards for 2 students. Using only the A through 10, deal out 7 cards to each student. Have them arrange their cards in sequential order. The first game is played by determining the median card. They get points equal to the value of the median card. They calculate a total until the winner hits a predetermined goal. Then they play the game again, only this time they get the points of any modes they have. If there is no mode, they get the value of their highest card. Accumulate points until a predetermined goal is reached. Third game deals with range. Here they learn to, after arranging cards in sequential order, subtract the low card from the high card-this is the range. Scoring is the same as above. My kids really loved this game. Occasionally I will play it on the overhead for a sponge activity to fill time and quickly review these concepts.
Submitted by: Mary Strayhorn
Math Night Ideas Grades Various
Summary: Find some fun activities your upcoming Math Night. Don't forget to email your favorite!
Each teacher is responsible for setting up a table with a Math concept. We sign up so we don't duplicate. Everyone just brings a neat lesson that they have done. We have math quilts they make, predicting, making fruit kabob and graphing favorite fruit they put on, pattern blocks to make pictures, computer programs, M & M graphing and sorting etc. For the last two years we have added Science. So we call it Math and Science Night. We usually have half and half of activities. This is just a walk through program. There is no introduction, talking by staff etc. They come and go on their own.
Submitted by: Sandy
I've done a first grade math night for the last five years. I have the children make a take home game. They are invited with an adult....The measure kite tales, estimate how many drops of water on a penny, do pattern block logic activity, a fact game, an M & M graph, a Clothes pin drop estimation, and fruit-loop pattern bracelet.. I have a check off sheet that they check as they do the activities.(The sheet makes a small comment as to the math skill they are doing.) When they finish the sheet-- They give it to me and get to take home their math game. Takes about 1/2 hour-to 45 minutes. Children who don't make it get their game the next day. Parents and children love it.
Submitted by: Verla VSper547@email-removed
Miscellaneous Math Activities Grades Various
Summary: Multiple Miscellaneous Math Activities to check out.
1. I have a permanent pocket chart hanging in my classroom for our daily graph. We graph something everyday...favorite cafeteria lunch, how we got to school, how many letters are in our names, etc. Sometimes the graph is vertical, sometimes it is horizontal. It just takes 10 minutes (or less) a day, and makes reading graphs easy!
2. I used a very large box (from an easel I bought) and cut off the top and bottom. Then I cut a large square in the front to create a "window". I did a 10 minute paint job and wrote the word "store" on the front. Now the kids use The Store during free time after math assignments are done. They love being the store clerk, and having the others line up to "buy" toys, etc. I have a price list of several toys for 3-7 cents.
3. I created a math "bowling" game for a fun math free time activity. I took 9 plastic cups and put a number on each one. Since I teach first grade, I made cups with numbers 1-9. I also put tiny stickers on each cup for those who need visual reinforcement. Kids line the cups (bottom end on the floor) like in bowling. I tell them to put the big numbers in the back row so that the game is a little more competitive. They then get a turn to "bowl" the cups over using a Nerf ball. They then collect the cups they knocked over and add up those points. The next person gets a turn. Continue to play until all the cups are knocked over.
Submitted by: Beth
Plant Sale Project Grades 1-4
Use a study of plants to help your students learn about money and other math concepts: "I incorporate many academic areas into my classroom through studying plants. We grow plants from cuttings, from seeds, and from bulbs. We start at the beginning of the year and by May, we have many different kinds, so my class holds a Mothers' Day plant sale. Students compare and contrast the growth of the plants and record the plants' progress in their writing journals. Students sell the plants, so collecting money and making change become part of the project. They calculate how much was spent on supplies and how much profit was made. We purchase books for the school library with the proceeds. We've been doing this for three years and the students just love this project!"
Submitted by: Amy Graff graff@email-removed, a first, second and third grade special educator at The Stapleton School in Framingham, Massachusetts. This idea was posted in the NEA's Weekly "Works4Me" Tip Newsletter.
Printable Math Worksheets
Use our Math Worksheet Generators to whip out some printable math worksheets in a snap!
Figure This! Math Challenges for Families Grades Middle School
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Education. It is a great site to help parents relate to their middle school students.
EMAIL us your favorite measurement lesson plan.