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Solving Word Problems Grades Various
An activity that will help your students solve multi-information word problems: I teach third grade and one of my favorite strategies for teaching is used when I teach my students multi-information word problems during math. First, we read the whole problem together. Then I have my students read the problem themselves and cross out extra information, that won't help them solve the problem, with a marker. Next, they underline the information that will be helpful for solving the problem. Finally, they highlight the question the problem is asking them to answer, and they solve the problem. This strategy really helps them to break the problem down and not become overwhelmed by too much information in the problem.
Submitted to: Dawn Wager - Littleton, Colorado
The Math Curse Grades 3-5
Summary: Use this book for a great Math & Writing Activity. You can purchase this book from amazon.com! The book The Math Curse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith is a great tool to use for a math and writing activity. It is an entertaining story about a student who finds a math problem in everything she does at home and school. After I read the story to my class, they complete a log that contains all of the math problems the main character has to solve during her day. Next our class writes their own version of The Math Curse. Students choose a partner and each pair selects a period of the day in which to write. They use their imaginations to create a math story problem that the character of the book encounters during their selected portion of the day. After they proofread and illustrate their problems, they are bound together as a class book. Each pair of students presents their story problem to the class, and their classmates try to solve the problem. Later the book is displayed at the Young Author's Tea.
Purchase this book directly from Amazon.com!
by Jon Scieszka, Lane Smith (Illustrator)
Submitted by: Marge Iafigliola iafigliolam@email-removed, a third and fourth grade remedial reading and math teacher at Perry Elementary School in Perry, Ohio. This idea was posted in the NEA's Weekly Works4Me Newsletter.
Math Worksheets
Use our Math Worksheet Generators to whip out some printable math worksheets in a snap!
MathStories.com Grades 2-3
A great source for math word problems.
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