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The activities, lessons and resources below are meant to extend student learning during this project. Please note that several of the activities may overlap subject areas.
Students write about their best winter adventure ever. Remind them to include as many details as possible – the location, what they did, who was with them – they need to “show” not “tell” why it was their best winter adventure ever.
Consider having students publish their work at KidPub.
Students pretend they are attending the 2010 Winter Olympics. They create a postcard to send home to their friends and family. There are several different options you can use to create the postcards :
1. Use an index card.
2. Visit Postcard Creator – allows you to create postcard and then print to add picture.
3. Send an E-Postcard form PBS for Kids (doesn’t allow for as much personalization.)
Students use a shape book for writing – shapes related to the book: Child, Circle, Mitten, T-shirt
Read a book with an Olympic focus. After reading the book, have students do one and/or all of the following activities:
1. Create a timeline of the major events.
2. Research the setting.
3. Complete a cause & effect chart.
4. Look for various elements such as: homophones, suffixes, prefixes, various parts of speech, etc.
(For a list of Olympic-related books, visit The Teacher's Corner Winter Olympics thematic unit and check out the books section.)
5. Graphic Organizers – Use in a variety of ways before, during, after reading.
Students can write poetry. They may write about an athlete, a sport, or even from the point of view of a piece of equipment. (These could be displayed on a bulletin board.)
Students can research an athlete and complete various activities. (See the Social Studies section below.)
Students are asked to be news reporters. They can select an event or athlete from the 2010 Winter Games and then write a newspaper story. You may also want to have them create a list of questions they would ask someone.
Letter Recognition Grades Kindergarten - This is a fun way for students to practice their letters.
Visit the Winter printables page for various printable pages - including lined and unlined journal paper.
REMEMBER: You may also want to visit our Printable Worksheet page and create your own puzzles.
Students select a country to follow throughout the Winter Games. They create a graph of the medals won by that country.
Students can create a survey to learn about the favorite winter sports and/or activities of their classmates.
Examine the sports that involve measurements. Have students convert measurements between the standard system and the metric system.
Students use a map of the world to locate the various countries participating in the 2010 Winter Games.
Students select a participating country and complete any or all of the following activities:
Using travel literature, reference books, the Internet, and/or magazines, students plan a trip to the country. Students select the location(s) they want to visit and use their various resources to learn about the language, culture, tourist attractions, history, famous citizens, etc. You can take this activity and differentiate based on your students. You can add the following components: calculate mileage, calculate cost of: food, lodging, entry fees, etc.
Students can research the country and then create a travel brochure highlighting the most interesting aspects.
Students select an athlete who is competing in the Winter Games. They can then complete any or all of the following activities:
1. Research and then write a biography of your athlete.
2. Research and write a newspaper article about your athlete.
3. Create a timeline of your athlete's life.
Use various print and electronic resources to locate pictures of past Olympics and Olympians. These photos can be used in a number of ways. One way would be to set them out, or display on computer screen, some of the photos and have students write about what they think may be going on in the photos, what they think it may have been like to live during that time, or another topic of your choice.
Students create a timeline of Olympic history. (Software notes below.)
Students can create and design their own "Indoor Winter Olympics." They will need to create events that are similar to the real Olympics, but that can be done indoors. And don't forget the medals!
Ice & Snow - Visit The Teacher's Corner's thematic unit to find resources for your classroom.
After selecting a country, students learn about the weather and climate in that country. They may also want to create a weather map.
Students learn what it takes to be a world-class athlete. Use various classroom, school, Internet, and library resources to help your students learn about nutrition and exercise.
There is a great deal of physics involved in some of the Olympic events. Students learn about the sport and what it takes to be successful at the sport.
Students use Timeliner software to create a timeline of Olympic history.
Students complete a Wacky Web Tale online (like a MadLib):
Adventures Abroad:
Field Trip Fun:
How to Make a Snow Man:
Live From the Sydney Olympics (can be modified):
A New Winter Sport:
Road Trip!:
Snow Games:
Wacky World of Winter Sports:
Main Wacky Web Tales page:
Students can use various resources to learn about the Olympic graphics.
Students use either traditional art mediums or technology to draw their favorite winter sport, Olympic event, or Olympic athlete.
Students learn about the various national anthems that are played when an athlete is receiving their gold medal.
Medals - students create their own set of gold, silver and bronze medals for the 2010 Winter Olympics. They may want to use various resources to learn a little about Vancouver and the region.
Photography – Ask students, as well as staff, to bring in a photo that represents the Olympic Spirit. Display them on a bulletin board for everyone to see. Depending on what other activities you decide to do, you may also want to include student poetry or short stories on the board as well.
Display the postcards from the activity mentioned above in the Language Arts section.
Printable Maps
A Day at the Olympics Grades 6-8
Students explore an online resource and learn how athletes from different ancient Greek city-states would behave at the Olympic Games.
ABC Teach Grades Various
A fun collection of Olympic resources and activities.
A Measure of Greatness Grades K-5
Students participate in a variety of Olympic-type activities involving measurement.
An Educator's Guide to the Olympics Grades Various
You will find Fact Sheets, Questions and Activities, Worksheets and Lesson Plans to help you incorporate the Olympics into your curriculum. (This resource is from the 2002 Salt Lake Games.)
Animal Olympics Web Adventure Grades Intermediate
A fun way to compare animals and humans.
Athletes' Hometowns Grades Intermediate
Students will make a map showing the home states that are fielding athlete on a U.S. Olympic team.
Character Education Lesson: Olympics Grades 6-8
Students plan and stage a classroom Olympics.
Create Your Own Classroom Olympics Grades 3-12
Students compete in activities that emphasize a wide variety of skills and knowledge as well as some luck.
Comparing Ancient and Modern Olympic Games Grades 3-12
Create a Venn diagram to compare the Games of today and ancient times.
Basic Aspects of Winter Grades 1
This activity is a great way for young students to begin to grasp the difference in weather and seasons.
Downhill Discoveries Grades 5-8
Through student made sloping tracks and selected course variables, students were involved in hands-on activities to determine how course conditions affect bobsled, luge, and downhill ski races.
Drawing the Olympic Rings Logo Grades Intermediate
Students will learn about the Olympic rings and other geometric logos.
Faces of the Olympics Grades Various
This project aims to develop student skills while researching the stories behind the Olympics.
Flag Grades Various
Print and color an Olympic flag.
Go for the Gold! - A CyberHunt Activity Grades Various
To learn more about the Olympic Games, click on the buttons below each of the following questions. Then write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
Go for the Gold! Grades Various
This site was put together for the 1998 Olympics, but there are several activities that can be used for this year.
History of the Olympics Grades 2-5
Students will have the opportunity to learn about the history of the Olympic games, study the rules, and hold their own Olympics.
Host Site Habitat Grades Primary
Students will distinguish which type of habitat would be native to an Olympic country.
Mascot Grades Various
Students will learn about Olympic mascots, what factors are considered in their design and selection, and then create their own Olympic mascot.
New York Times & Learning Network - Winter Olympics Grades Various
Find lessons, puzzles, and more. (This resource is from the 2002 Salt Lake City Games.)
Ocean Olympians Grades 4-8
Teaches about the games and the adaptations that make animals everyday Olympians. (This link is to a PDF.)
Olympics Art Fun Pre-K-2
Students create medals, Olympic rings, and torches using common materials.
Olympic Biographies Grades 3-8
Students create a book of biographies profiling famous past Olympic athletes.
Olympic Games Grades K-12
Help students draw parallels between the perseverance of Olympians and their own lives.
Olympic Graphs Grades 6-12
Students create graphs comparing present and past winning results of various Olympic sports.
Olympic Leaders Grades 3-12
Each student will research the accomplishments of one Olympic athlete.
Olympic Readers Grades Primary & Intermediate
Students can create their own Olympics!
Olympic Rings Report Form Grades Various
Students learn about and report on the Olympic rings. (This link is to a PDF.)
Olympic Time Lines Grades 3-12
Students use library or online sources to create time lines of various events that took place during the modern Olympic Games.
Olympic Trivia Challenge Grades 6-12
Students find fascinating facts about the Summer Olympic Games and Olympic history.
Olympic World Grades Various
This efgProject™ is designed to bring "Life 2 Learning." It features fourteen lessons that are integrated with the skills necessary for life and work in the 21st Century.
The Olympics Grades 6-12
In this WebByte, students will learn about the Olympic Games and then create a brochure in Microsoft Publisher.
Quest for Gold Grades Intermediate & Above
A unit plan designed to take approximately 3 weeks.
Reading Comprehension Activity Grades Intermediate
Students can read and then answer questions related to the Olympics.
Use this link for the questions
Reading Olympics Grades K-8
Students participate in a Reading Olympics and enhance their reading abilities at the same time.
So You Want to Compete in the Olympics? Grades 3-12
The International Olympic Committee has decided to hold a Junior Olympics during the next Summer Olympic Games. The committee has invited students from around the world to form teams and participate in that event. You and other students in your class hope to try out for the Junior Olympics, but first you have to plan how you will prepare for the competition.
Theme Unit Grades Various
A great collection of resources.
Track a Sport Grades 6-12
Students track the results of various sports during the Olympic Games.
Trivia Games
Trivia related to the 2010 Winter Games.
Venues Grades Intermediate
Students will locate and label various 2002 Olympic events on a map of Utah. (Even though this resource is from the 2002 Games, you can easily modify it for the 2006 Games.)
Winter Olympic Activities for Kids Grades 3-5
This lesson introduces students to the history and locations of the Modern Olympic Games.
Winter Olympic Teaching Theme Grades Various
A great collection of resources from art to web sites to Webquests and more!
Winter Olympic Webquest Grades Intermediate
You are a participant in one of the fifteen Winter Olympic sports. Your sport is in need of additional funding so you can successfully prepare for the games.
Winter Olympics Grades 3-12
Learn about the Winter Olympics and see a list of places that they have been held.
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