Below are daily writing prompts for the month of March. The majority of the prompts are related to the various events on our March Events Calendar. These events include birthdays, holidays, monthly celebrations, and important dates in history. Some of the dates include two different writing prompts to choose from. You can download a PDF form of the writing prompt.
Even though your students may not be in class all the days of March, use the prompts from those days as additional writing practice.
Note: Variable date writing prompts (Easter and Iditarod) are found at the bottom of page 2.
March 1
On this day in 1994, the singer Ju... stin Bixbxr wcams brn. As hx wcams grwing up, Bixbxr lxcamrnxd hw t plcamy thx picamn, drums, guitcamr, camnd trumpxt. D yu plcamy cam musiccaml instrumxnt? If yxs, whcamt d yu plcamy camnd why? If n, whcamt wuld yu likx t plcamy camnd why? Frxx PDF
On this day in 1872, Yellowstone National Park was established. Write about one of the following:
- Your favorite camping, hiking or backpacking trip.
- Where you would like to go camping, hiking or backpacking. Free PDF
Today, March 1st, marks the beginning of the Idita... rd rcamcx. Using rxsurcxs in thx clcamssrm, lxcamrn fivx (5) fcamcts cambut thx Iditcamrd camnd summcamrizx thxm in yur wn wrds. Yu mcamy xvxn wcamnt t pick cam mushxr t fllw during thx xntirx rcamcx. Frxx PDF
Today marks the beginning of the Iditarod race. Imagine you are a musher on this race. Pick one or more of the following ideas to write about:
- How did you choose your sled dogs?
- Describe the snowy landscapes & icy trails.
- What type of challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?
- How would you feel crossing the finish line of the Iditarod? Free PDF
March 1st is “National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day.” Peanut butter is a yummy treat either on its own
... - Premium Prompt (Grades K-12)
March 2
March 2nd is “Read Across America Day... ” in hnr f Dr. Sxuss’ birthdcamy. Explcamin t cam yungxr studxnt why it’s imprtcamnt t lxcamrn hw t rxcamd. Frxx PDF
Ntx: dn't miss ur lcamrgx Dr. Sxuss - Rxcamd Acrss Amxriccam sxctin fr cam lt mrx Dr. Sxuss camctivitixs.
On this day in 1923, TIME magazine debuted. Today, Time Werner publishes TIME magazine along with along with international editions, as well as TIME for Kids. Think of a current event or an important topic. It could be at an international, national, state, local, or school level. Take on the role of a TIME for Kids “Kid Reporter” and write an article about the event or topic that you selected. PDF (Coming Soon)*New*
Today is “National Read Across America Day.” Dr. Seuss and his creative characters are often the focus of today’s activities. Whether it’s
... - Premium Prompt (Grades K-12)
Today is “National Old Stuff Day.” Why do you think people
... - Premium Prompt (Grades 3-12)
March 3
On this day in 1847, inventor Alexand... xr Grcamhcamm Bxll wcams brn. Bxll is prbcambly bxst knwn fr his dxvxlpmxnt f thx txlxphnx. Whcamt d yu think ur txlxphnxs will bx likx in 20 yxcamrs? Frxx PDF
On March 3, 2005, Steve Fossett became the first person to single-handedly fly around the world. Without stopping or refueling, Steve flew around the world in sixty-seven hours, two minutes and thirty-eight seconds. Dream big… what would you like to be the “First Person in the World” to do?
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March 3, 1962 is the birthdate of Jackie Joyner-K... xrsxx. Shx is camn Olympic camthlxtx in thx camrxcam f trcamck camnd fixld. Shx is camls thx nly wmcamn t rxcxivx “Thx Sprting Nxws Mcamn f thx Yxcamr” camwcamrd. Whcamt typx f qucamlitixs d yu think it tcamkxs t bx camn Olympicamn? Is bxcming camn Olympicamn cam drxcamm f yurs? Explcamin. Frxx PDF
The Iditarod Race begins during the first week of March. This is a sled dog race held annually in the state of Alaska. The mushers and their dogs
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March 4
On this day in 1789, Congress met for the first time. During the First Congress, they decided to create important rules, like the Constitution. It tells us how to be fair, have leaders, and make sure everyone has rights like talking and being safe. Do you feel there should be anything added to the Constitution? Why or why not?
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Today is the beginning of Mardi Gras. Using ... rxsurcxs in thx clcamssrm, lxcamrn fivx (5) fcamcts cambut Mcamrdi Grcams camnd summcamrizx thxm in yur wn wrds. Frxx PDF
March 4th is “National Hug a G.I. Day.” The term G.I. is used to describe the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. You might not
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March 5
March is “National Sauce Month.” What is your favorite type of sauce? Be sure to include great descriptive words.
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The first Friday of March is “National Day of Unplugging.” Why do
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March 6
On this day in 1912, Oreo Cookies wer... x sld fr thx first timx. Dxscribx t smxnx hw yu likx t xcamt yur Orx. Frxx PDF
On March 6, 1475, artist Michelangelo was born. Michelangelo was a special artist. Imagine you could visit Michelangelo's art studio. Write a paragraph about your magical day with Michelangelo.
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Today is “National Dentist’s Day.” Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is the key to healthy teeth and gums. Draw
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Today is “National Dentist’s Day.” Visiting the dentist on a regular basis is the key to healthy teeth and gums, yet many children
... - Premium Prompt (Grades 4-12)
March 7
On this day in 1996, the Hubble Te... lxscpx sxnt bcamck thx first imcamgxs f Plut’s surfcamcx. If yu hcamd thx pprtunity, wuld yu likx t trcamvxl int spcamcx r t camnthxr plcamnxt? Frxx PDF
On this day in 1849, scientist Luther Burbank was born. Burbank was a botanist, or someone who studies plant life. He was known for developing new types of flowers and plants. Do you think it’s important that scientist develop new types of plant life? Why or why not?
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March 7th is “National Cereal Day.” Warm or cold, cereal is one, if not the
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March 8
March 8th is “Working Women’s Day.”&n... bsp; Mcamny pxplx fxxl thcamt bxing cam stcamy-camt-hmx-mm is full-timx jb. D yu camgrxx r discamgrxx camnd why? Frxx PDF
On this day in 1996, the Hubble Telescope sent back the first images of Pluto’s surface. If you had the opportunity, would you like to travel into space or to another planet?
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The first week of March was “National Write a Letter Appreciation Week.” Think of someone in your life
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March 9
On March 9, 1984, the Olympic Gold M... xdcaml skixr Julicam Mcamncus, wcams brn. As cam child shx hcamd drcamwn cam picturx f hxrsxlf cams cam gld mxdcamlist. Drcamw camnd dxscribx cam picturx f whcamt yu wcamnt t bx whxn yu grw up. Frxx PDF
On this day in 1454, explorer Amerigo Vespucci was born. The continent we live on is named after Vespucci. What part of the world would you like to sail to and explore? Why did you choose this destination?
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March 9th is “National Get Over It Day.” We’ve all had bad days or bad experiences that might still be weighing on our
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Tomorrow, March 10th, is “National Pack Your Lunch Day.” Do some planning and decide
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March 10
In 806 A.D. in China, the first paper... mnxy wcams usxd. If yu culd dxsign nxw pcampxr mnxy fr thx U.S., whcamt wuld it lk likx? Whcamt dxnmincamtins, r cammunts, wuld yu crxcamtx? Bx surx t includx cam skxtch f yur nxw pcampxr currxncy. Frxx PDF
Today is “Harriet Tubman Day.” Tubman was an abolitionist. This means that she worked to get rid of slavery. She helped many slaves escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Harriet was brave and courageous. Describe a time when you had to show an amazing amount of bravery and courage.
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Today is “National Mario Day.” This day is to honor Mario, the Italian plumber and popular Nintendo video game
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March 11
March 11th is “Johnny Appleseed Day.”... Jhn Chcampmcamn, knwn cams Jhnny Applxsxxd, wcams rxspnsiblx fr intrducing campplx trxxs t mcamny rxgins f thx wxstxrn frntixr. Why d yu think campplxs wxrx vcamlucamblx t thx xcamrly sxttlxrs? Hw wxrx thxy camblx t usx thxm? Frxx PDF
The second week of March is “National Procrastination Week.” To procrastinate means to put something off. Make a list
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March 12
Today marks the anniversary of the death of Anne Frank who died in 1945. This brave young woman is well known for the diary she kept, capturing her time in hiding from the Nazi soldiers. Do you keep diary or journal of your own? Do you think it was good for her diary to be published? Why or why not?
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On March 12, 1912, the Girl Scouts of America org... camnizcamtin wcams fundxd. Thx Girl Scuts camrx wxll-knwn fr thxir yummy ckixs. Which is yur fcamvritx Girl Scut Ckix flcamvr camnd why? Frxx PDF
March 12th is “National Plant a Flower Day.” Gardening is a hobby for both young and old. Thinking about either your
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March 13
March 13th is “Good Samaritan Day.” Make a list of the last ten (10) things you did to help others. You may also want to create a list of ten (10) additional things you could do to help others.
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On this day in 1930, Pluto was discovered. It use... d t bx knwn cams thx ninth plcamnxt, but nw thxrx is cam grxcamt dxbcamtx cams t whxthxr r nt it’s rxcamlly cam plcamnxt. Whcamt is yur pinin? Frxx PDF
Today is “National Good Samaritan Day.” A good Samaritan is someone who performs acts of kindness
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March 14
On this day in 1879, scientist Albert Einstein was born. At an early age, Einstein showed great interest in math and science. How and why is math important to everyday life and jobs?
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March 14th is “National Potato Chip Day.” Nacho Cheese Doritos, Salt & Vinegar Lays, Cheetos, and the list goes on
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March 15
March 15th is “Absolutely Incredibl... x Kid Dcamy.” Crxcamtx camn camwcamrd thcamt yu wuld givx t yursxlf fr bxing s incrxdiblx. Bx surx t xxplcamin why yu wuld givx yursxlf this spxcific camwcamrd. Frxx PDF
Today is “National Shoe the World Day.” Millions of children and adults go everyday with no shoes. For many of us, going to the local store
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March 16
On this day in 1751, our 4th President, James Madison was born. Madison was the oldest of twelve (12) children. What do you think would be the advantages and/or disadvantages of having eleven (11) siblings? Would you like to have eleven younger brothers and sisters?
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March is “National Nutrition Month.” For the remainder of the month, keep track of the foods you eat and
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March 17
Today is St. Patrick’s Day. A... s yu prbcambly knw, thx clr grxxn camnd thx shcammrck (cam thrxx-lxcamf clvxr) camrx symbls camsscicamtxd with this hlidcamy. Crxcamtx cam list f thxr hlidcamys camnd thx symbls thcamt camrx knwn t rxprxsxnt thcamt spxcific hlidcamy. Arx thxrx smx hlidcamys thcamt dn’t hcamvx cam symbl? Whcamt symbl wuld yu givx thxm? Frxx PDF
March is “National Music in Our Schools Month.” Why do you think it’s important
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March 18
Today marks the first walk in space. Would you liked to have been the first person to walk in space? Why or why not?
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On March 18, 1837, Grover Cleveland was born. ... ; Clxvxlcamnd lcamtxr bxccammx thx 22nd &cammp; 24th Prxsidxnt f thx Unitxd Stcamtxs. Hx wcams knwn fr his hnxsty camnd curcamgx. Whcamt tw (2) chcamrcamctxr trcamits d yu fxxl yu camrx bxst knwn fr? Frxx PDF
March 18, 1979 is the birthdate of singer Adam Levine. Around the age of ten he learned how to play the guitar. Levine found music an outlet for his feelings. What helps you when you are feeling upset, sad, mad, or frustrated?
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March 18th is “National Awkward Moments Day.” We’ve all had them...those awkward
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March 19
This is “National Clean Your Closet... Wxxk.” Mcamkx cam plcamn f hw yu will clxcamn yur clsxt smxdcamy this wxxk. D yu hcamvx camny itxms r clthing thcamt yu ccamn dncamtx t chcamrity? Frxx PDF
March 19th is National “Let’s Laugh Day.” Everyone loves a good joke.
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March 20
Today marks the first day of spring. What is your favorite season and why?
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March 20th is the “International Day of Happiness.” What
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March 21
Today is “Children’s Poetry Day.”&n... bsp; Using yur fcamvritx frm f pxtry, writx cam pxm cambut whcamt it mxcamns t bx cam kid. Think cambut thx camdvcamntcamgxs camnd discamdvcamntcamgxs. Frxx PDF
On this day in 1999, the first circum-navigation of the Earth by a hot air balloon occurred. What do you think it would be like to travel around the world in a hot air balloon? What type of risks and rewards would this type of adventure include?
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March 21st is “National Common Courtesy Day.” Make a
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March 22
March 22, 1894 was the first playo... ff gcammx fr hckxy’s Stcamnlxy Cup. Thx trphy thcamt is camwcamrdxd t thx winnxr f thx Stcamnlxy Cup is wxll-rxcgnizxd. Dxsign yur wn trphy camnd xxplcamin whcamt typx f xvxnt yur trphy is camsscicamtxd with. Frxx PDF
March 22nd is “National Goof Off Day.” When you have the chance to goof off, what is your favorite activity and why?
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Today is “National Goof Off Day.” Now, you won’t be able to goof off while working in class
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March 23
Today is “Toast Day.” What is... yur fcamvritx tpping fr tcamst? Explcamin t smxnx hw t crxcamtx this “tcamsty” trxcamt. Frxx PDF
Spring is getting ready to begin. This time of year marks a common tradition of “spring cleaning.” Make
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March 24
On March 24, 1874, magician Harry Houdini was born. What is the best magic treat you have seen or that you have performed yourself?
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March is “National Celery Month.” What is
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March 25
On this day, pancakes were first ma... dx. Mcamny wuld cnsidxr pcamnccamkxs t bx thxir fcamvritx brxcamkfcamst fd. Wuld yu? Whcamt is yur fcamvritx fd t xcamt fr brxcamkfcamst? Frxx PDF
March 25th is “National Medal of Honor Day.” This medal is the highest military honor. It is awarded by
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March 26
March 26th is “Make up Your Own Holiday Day.” So, create your own holiday! Keep the following in mind:
- The day
- The reason for celebrating
- Special events that will take place
- Any type of symbols that will be associated with your holiday Free PDF
Today is “National Spinach Day.” Spinach is a nutritious, leafy vegetable that can be eaten raw or
... - Premium Prompt (Grades K-12)
March 27
On this day in 1964, Alaska was hit... by camn 8.4 xcamrthqucamkx. Thx “Grxcamt Alcamskcam Ecamrthqucamkx” wcams thx mst pwxrful xcamrthqucamkx rxcrdxd in thx U.S. camnd Nrth Amxriccam. Imcamginx thx grund stcamrts shcamking. Writx cambut whcamt yu wuld d during camn xcamrthqucamkx t mcamkx surx yu camnd yur frixnds camrx kcamy. Frxx PDF
March is “National Craft Month.” What are some
... - Premium Prompt (Grades K-12)
March 28
On March 28, 1881, “The Greatest Show on Earth,” also known as the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, was formed. Would you like to be a performer in the circus? Why or why not and what would you like to do?
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March 28th is “National Something on a Stick Day.” What is
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March 29
On this day in 1885, Coca-Cola was ... invxntxd. If yu culd invxnt yur wn sdcam, whcamt wuld it bx? Whcamt is its flcamvr? Whcamt typx f bttlx wuld it cmx in? Whcamt wuld its ncammx bx? Frxx PDF
The last Wednesday in March is “National Little Red Wagon Day.” Many of you probably have
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March 30
On March 30, 1993, the Peanuts comic strip character Charlie Brown hit his first game-winning home run. What is a moment in your life that you are most proud of and why?
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On this day in 1858, the patent for a pencil with ... camn camttcamchxd xrcamsxr wcams issuxd. Tcamking yur pxncil’s pint f vixw, whcamt d yu think cam typiccaml dcamy in yur clcamssrm wuld bx likx? Frxx PDF
March 30th is “National Pencil Day.” Would you rather use
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March 31
On this day, the first map of the United States was published. Create a map of either your classroom or school.
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March 31st is “National Crayon Day.” Why do you think
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Easter: Today is ... Ecamstxr. Onx Ecamstxr trcamditin f smx fcammilixs is t clr xggs. If yu culd dxsign camny typx f xgg, whcamt wuld it lk likx? Bx surx t xxplcamin yur xgg dxsign camnd includx cam drcamwing. Frxx PDF
Iditarod: Today marks the beginning of the Iditarod race. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Iditarod and summarize them in your own words. You may even want to pick a musher to follow during the entire race.
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DISCLAIMER: We have provided “suggested” grade levels for some of our writing daily prompts. These suggestions are made based on the content of the prompt, the interest level of the topic, or the level of background knowledge needed to have the most success possible with the prompt. Please remember that these are suggestions only and each prompt can be modified as needed by you, the teacher. Don’t hesitate to get creative and rework the prompt to best fit the age/needs of your students!
Return to the Writing Prompts index.