World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Daily Writing Prompts - October

October Writing Prompts

Below are daily writing prompts for the month of October. The majority of the prompts are related to the various events on our October Events Calendar. These events include birthdays, holidays, monthly celebrations, and important dates in history. Some of the dates include two different writing prompts to choose from. You can download a PDF form of the writing prompt.

Daily Writing Prompts

Don't forget to also print a copy of our October Events Calendar. This will help you utilize the daily writing prompts.

More Lesson Plans! We also have a bunch of other October Activities, Lesson Plans and Resources.

Writing Prompts: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The text below is protected by copyright. You may NOT republish any of the prompts below on any internet website. For more details, please read our Terms of Use.

October 1
On this day in 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Model T.  Explain what you think a car of the future may look like. Free PDF
Today is “National Homemade Cookies Day.” Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Snickerdoodles, are some ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 2
October 2, 1950, the Peanuts comic was introduced to the world.  Develop a comic strip of your own.  Focusing on 2-3 characters, create your first strip. Free PDF
Today is “National Custodial Workers Recognition Day.” Take the time to ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 3
SOS was designated as the international distress code in 1906. This distress code is made using Morse code. Create your own type of code system that would allow you to share secret messages. Free PDF
Today is “National Techies Day.” What is ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 4
On this day in 1957, Sputnik I, the first space vehicle was launched. Would you like to travel into space? If yes, explain what you would like to explore. If no, explain why you would want to keep yourself on earth. Free PDF
Today is “National Taco Day.” Tacos come in a variety of flavors. Think about your favorite type of taco. ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 5
The founder of McDonald's was born on this day in 1902. There is always a lot of discussion surrounding the unhealthy aspects of fast food restaurants. Write a paragraph persuading someone not to eat fast food. Free PDF
Today is “National Do Something Nice Day.” It’s that simple. Think of something ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 6
On this day in 1889, Thomas Edison showed the 1st motion picture using a Kinetoscope he had invented. Some people may argue that this was one of the most important inventions in history. What do you think was the most important invention ever and why? Free PDF
Today is “National Mad Hatter Day.” This is a fun, silly day based on the Mad Hatter who is a fictional character from Alice in Wonderland story. Create ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 7
In 1986, the rose became the U.S. National Flower.  Do you think this was a good choice for our country?  Would you have picked a different flower?  Why? Free PDF
October is “National Bat Appreciation Month.” Bats are often associated with Halloween. Explain ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 8
The second Monday of October is "Columbus Day" in honor of explorer Christopher Columbus. Describe an area of Earth that you would like to explore and explain your reasons for wanting to explore that specific area. Free PDF
J. Frank Duryea, who was born on this day in 1869, with his brother Charles, built and operated the first automobile in the US. He also won America's first automobile race.  If you could participate in any type of race what would it be and why?  Would it be on land, in the water, in the air? Free PDF
Today is “National Fluffernutter Day.” This is a day when you are encouraged to eat a sandwich made from peanut butter and marshmallow fluff! How do ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 9
On this day in 1876, the first two-way telephone conversation took place.  If you could call anyone, who would it be and why? Free PDF
Today is “National Chess Day.” Chess is a game that takes a great deal of skill and strategy. Thinking about the games you like ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 10
English chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish was born in England on this day in 1731.  If you were a scientist today, what would you hope to discover?  Free PDF
October is “National Eat Better, Eat Together Month.” Does your family consistently ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 11
First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt was born on this day in 1884.  She was quoted as saying:  “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”  What do you think she meant by that? Free PDF
October is “National Pizza Month.” Pizza...a favorite of both young and old. So what ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 12
Today is National Farmer’s Day.  What do you think is the most important crop grown by farmers? Free PDF
Today is “National Farmer’s Day.” Farmers provide us with so much of our daily food. Do you think you would be able to ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 13
On this day in 1860, the first aerial photo in the US was taken from a balloon in Boston.  What are the advantages or disadvantages to aerial photography? Free PDF
Today is “National Train Your Brain Day.” Keeping your brain active is important. Make a list ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 14
Dwight David Eisenhower, the 34th President, was born on this day in 1890.  If you were asked to redesign the one dollar coin, who would you put on the coin and why? Free PDF
Today is “National Dessert Day.” So many of us have a sweet tooth. ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 15
Today is "National Grouch Day." If someone around you is being a grouch, what are some ways that you could cheer them up and help them be in a better mood? Free PDF
Today is “National Grouch Day.” Scientist say that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Think about something ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 16
Today is National Dictionary Day.  Explain to a classmate, in writing, how to look up the word “dictionary” in the dictionary. Free PDF
October is “National Positive Thought Month.” Planting seeds of positive thoughts can grow even more positive thoughts. There are ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 17
Many baseball fans were surprised when the World Series game they were watching was interrupted by the 1989 San Francisco Earthquake. Summarize what you know about the cause of earthquakes using either drawings or your own words. Free PDF
October 17th is “National Mulligan Day.” The expression of a mulligan comes from the game of golf. It means ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 18
On this day in 1767, the Mason-Dixon Line was established.  This line was very symbolic in the minds of the people of a young nation struggling over slavery.  List everything you know about slavery and this time period. Free PDF
Today is “National Chocolate Cupcake Day.” Cupcakes have taken on a whole new look in the last several years. Some have candy bars on top, while others have bacon. Which ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 19
The Star Spangled Banner was first sung on this day in 1814. This song, which is our National Anthem, is sung at a number of different events. Explain why it’s important to carry on the tradition of singing this song. Free PDF
On this day in 1781, the final battle of the Revolutionary War was fought. Imagine you were there during the final battle of the Revolutionary War in 1781. What do you think it was like? Write a story about what you might have seen or heard during this important moment in history. Free PDF
October is “International Walk to School Month.” With only a couple of weeks left in the month, try to encourage your ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 20
Sir James Chadwick discovered the neutron on this day in 1891.  What is your favorite subject to study in science?  Do you like to learn about things dealing with the human body, the environment, different types of animals? Free PDF
October is “Children’s Magazine Month.” You’ve just been asked to create the next great magazine ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 21
On this day in 1959, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art opened in New York City.  Describe a time that you have been to a museum.  If you haven’t been to a museum, explain why you would like to visit one. Free PDF
Today is “National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day.” During the fall you can find pumpkin in almost ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 22
Today is "National Nut Day."  Describe what type of nuts you like to eat.  Don’t forget…your favorite type may come in “creamy” or “chunky.” Free PDF
Today is “National Color Day.” Colors are all around us and can make us feel ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-2) *New*
Today is “National Color Day.” For years, scientists have known that colors affect our moods and behaviors. Think about ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
October 23
Brazilian soccer player, Edison Pele, was born on this day in 1940.  In order to become such an incredible soccer player, Pele had to practice.  What is something that you would like to become better at?  Explain what you will need to do in order to improve your skills.  (This doesn’t have to be a sport.) Free PDF
October 23rd is “iPod Day.” The Apple iPod changed the way we listen to music. What do you ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 24
Today is National Bologna Day.  Explain to someone how to make your favorite type of sandwich.Free PDF
Today is “National Food Day.” Food. We couldn’t live without it. What is ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 25
Pablo Picasso, the famous artist, was born in Spain on this day in 1881.  On a clean, white sheet of paper, draw a picture of your favorite place.  This may be a place that you have visited, or just a place you visit in your mind.  After you have drawn your place, write a paragraph describing this location and why it is special to you. Free PDF
October is “National Book Month.” When you find a good book, you just can’t ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 26
The International Red Cross was organized in Geneva, Switzerland on this day in 1863 to help people in need. Think about ways you can help people around you and make a list of at least five (5) ideas. Free PDF
Today is “National Pumpkin Day.” Pumpkins are everywhere this time of year. You might even be getting ready to carve one yourself. Draw ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 27
Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States and loved the outdoors, including going on big adventures in nature. Imagine you are spending a day with him. Write a story about what fun things you would do together and what you might learn from him! Free PDF
October is “National Apple Month.” With all the different varieties and ways ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 28
On this day the Statue of Liberty was dedicated in 1886.  Explain what you know about the Statue of Liberty.  Why is it such a great American symbol? Free PDF
Today is “National Chocolate Day.” You have white, milk, dark. Which ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 29
On this day in 1929, the Stock Market crashed.  A lot of people lost money and lives were changed forever.  Explain what you would do with $1,000. Free PDF
Today is “National Cat Day.” Cats or dogs? It’s a decade old debate. Which ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 30
John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States, was born on this day in 1735.  What do you think it would have been like to be just the second President of the United States?  How would it have been different from today?Free PDF
Today is “National Candy Corn Day.” A common candy during this time of year, candy corn is a ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
October 31
Juliette Gordon Low, the woman who started Girl Scouting in the United States, was born on this day in 1860.  The Girl Scouts are an organization that helps others.  Explain why it’s important that kids get involved with helping others. Free PDF
Today is Halloween and October is “National Halloween Safety Month.” Make a ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*

DISCLAIMER: We have provided “suggested” grade levels for some of our writing daily prompts. These suggestions are made based on the content of the prompt, the interest level of the topic, or the level of background knowledge needed to have the most success possible with the prompt. Please remember that these are suggestions only and each prompt can be modified as needed by you, the teacher. Don’t hesitate to get creative and rework the prompt to best fit the age/needs of your students!

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