World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner

Daily Writing Prompts - September

September Writing Prompts

Below are daily writing prompts for the month of September. The majority of the prompts are related to the various events on our September Events Calendar. These events include birthdays, holidays, monthly celebrations, and important dates in history. Some of the dates include two different writing prompts to choose from. You can download a PDF form of the writing prompt.

Daily Writing Prompts

Don't forget to also print a copy of our September Events Calendar. This will help you utilize the daily writing prompts.

More Lesson Plans! We also have a bunch of other Activities, Lesson Plans and Resources for September.

Writing Prompts: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The text below is protected by copyright. You may NOT republish any of the prompts below on any internet website. For more details, please read our Terms of Use.

DISCLAIMER: We have provided “suggested” grade levels for some of our writing daily prompts. These suggestions are made based on the content of the prompt, the interest level of the topic, or the level of background knowledge needed to have the most success possible with the prompt. Please remember that these are suggestions only and each prompt can be modified as needed by you, the teacher. Don’t hesitate to get creative and rework the prompt to best fit the age/needs of your students!

September - General
September is National Coupon Month.  Many of your parents probably use coupons when they go shopping.  Create some of your own coupons to give family members.  An example would be:  “This coupon entitles you to one foot massage.”  Be creative and think of ways you could help out your family. Free PDF
September is National Honey Month.  Using resources in your classroom, learn how honey is produced by bees and what steps are taken to put it on your kitchen table.  You may even want to draw and label a diagram to go with your writing. Free PDF
September is National Apple Month.  There are a variety of different apples and they all have their own, unique taste.  Write about one of the following:  What is your favorite apple variety and how do you like to eat it?  OR Create a new dish using your favorite variety of apple. Free PDF
September is National Book Month.  A new type of book, an eBook, is making its way into homes and classrooms around the world.  An eBook doesn’t use paper and is listened to by the “reader.”  Would you rather read a paper book, listen to an eBook or a combination of both?  Why? Free PDF
September 1
On the first Monday of each September, we celebrate Labor Day.  This holiday was first celebrated in 1882, in honor of American workers and their achievements.  List all of the different community jobs in your town and then select the one you feel is most important.  Explain why you choose that particular job. Free PDF
On this day in 1830, “Mary had a Little Lamb” was published.  Create your own rhyme using the same tune. Free PDF
Today is “National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day.” Your teacher will give you a list of words that don’t have a rhyme. ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
Today is “National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day.” There are a number of words that don’t have a rhyme. Do your ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 6-12) *New*
September 2
On September 2, 1789, the U.S. Treasury Department was established.  If you could design a new $1 bill, explain what famous American you would have on the front. Free PDF
On this day in 1987, Philips, an electronics company, announced they would be launching a CD-video that would combine HD video with digital sound. What is your favorite DVD and why? Free PDF
Today is “National Blueberry Popsicle Day.” Popsicles are an easy snack to make at home. They can ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 3
On September 3, 1929, author Aliki was born.  Who is your favorite author and what is your favorite book they have written?  Write a letter to them explaining why you like that specific book. Free PDF
On this day in 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed.  This treaty marked the official end to the Revolutionary War and America’s Independence.  After learning a little about this time period, why do you think this was such an important point in our country’s history?  Free PDF
September is “National Potato Month.” Potatoes are a vegetable that ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 4
September is "National Library Card Sign-Up Month.”  Do you have your own library card?  (If you don’t, you should visit with your parents about getting a card.)  Why do you think the public libraries are so important to our communities? Free PDF
Today is “National Wildlife Day.” Whether you live in the city or a rural area, you can have a positive impact on the wildlife in ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
Today is “National Newspaper Carrier Day.” The first newspaper carrier began tossing the news on doorsteps over 180 year ago. Think about how people get their news today. ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 6-12) *New*
September 5
September 5th is “National Cheese Pizza Day.”  What is your favorite type of pizza?  Explain to someone how they would make your favorite type of pizza. Free PDF
On September 5, 1774, the first Continental Congress convened.  One objective of the congress was to compose a statement of colonial rights.  If you had been a delegate representing your colony, what right would you have been fighting for and why? Free PDF
Today is “National Cheese Pizza Day.” Cheese pizza is one of the most popular ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 6
On September 6, 2000, a popular MP3 web site was fined for copyright violation.  Instead of purchasing an MP3, visitors could simply download an MP3 free of charge.  Music downloading is a popular activity with both kids and adults.  Do you think you should be able to make a music purchase and share it with everyone you want?  After learning a little more about copyright laws, what is your opinion? Free PDF
Today is “National Read a Book Day.” Everybody reads!! Take a minute and think about your all-time favorite book. Do one of the following to let everyone know about your book: ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-3) *New*
Today is “National Read a Book Day.” Everybody reads!! Take a minute and think about your all-time favorite book. This could be a book that you’ve recently read, or even ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 7
September 7, 1927 was the day the first all-electronic television image was transmitted. Philo T. Farnsworth’s invention made it possible to build televisions with no moving parts. What type of an influence do you think television has had on our world? What have been some of the advantages? Have there also been some disadvantages? Free PDF
On this day in 1860, Grandma Moses, an American folk artist was born.  Think about a picture you have recently drawn or seen.  Describe that picture. Free PDF
September is “Self Improvement Month.” Draw a picture of ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-2) *New*
September is “Self Improvement Month.” Think of a personal goal you would like to set for yourself. This can ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 8
On September 8, 1940, poet Jack Prelutsky was born.  He is well known for his fun and silly poems.  Select a school-related topic and write your own poem. Free PDF
On this day in 1892, the original Pledge of Allegiance was published.  This is not the pledge we recite today because it has been revised two times since its original publication.  Do you think all classrooms in the United States should be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day?  Should students or teachers have the option not to say the pledge?  Why or why not? Free PDF
Today is “National Ampersand Day.” The ampersand is used to replace the word “and”. People have created art out of this ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 9
On this day in 1850, California became the 31st state.  California’s motto is “Eureka!” which is a Greek word meaning, “I have found it.”  This motto can be found on their state seal.  A motto is a brief statement that expresses a goal or idea.  Create a motto for yourself and explain why you chose that motto. Free PDF
On September 9, 1963, Ming Ming was born at the Beijing Zoo.  Ming Ming was the first giant panda to be born in captivity at the zoo.  What do think are the advantages and/or disadvantages to animals being born in captivity? Free PDF
Today is “National Teddy Bear Day.” The teddy bear has been around since 1902. It is a popular, cuddly toy of ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 10
On this day in 1984, a British scientist by the name of Alec John Jeffreys discovered the DNA “fingerprint.”  During his work he discovered that we each have our own unique DNA pattern.  Using resources in the classroom, learn more about the history of DNA and how it’s being used today.  Write at least one paragraph summarizing your findings. Free PDF
September 10th is “Swap Ideas Day.”  Today or during the week, swap ideas with someone.  This could be a friend, sibling, parent, teacher, neighbor, or anyone.  And the idea can be about anything…just swap an idea! Free PDF
Today is “National Swap Ideas Day.” What is an idea that you have? Draw ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-2) *New*
Today is “National Swap Ideas Day.” What are some of your ideas. Make a list ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 11
September 11th is a Day of Remembrance.  As we honor those who lost their lives on this day 2001, make a list of everything in your life that you are thankful for.  Free PDF
Today is “National Grandparents Day.”  Choose one of the following ideas to write about:
  • Think back to the time when your grandparents grew up.  How was their life similar or different to yours?
  • Write a letter to your grandparents letting them know what’s going on in your life. Free PDF
Today is “National Make Your Bed Day.” Should you ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-3) *New*
Today is “National Make Your Bed Day.” According to the National Sleep Foundation, making your bed ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 4-12) *New*
September 12
On September 12, 1913, Olympian Jesse Owens was born.  Owens won a number of medals in Track and Field events.  If you could invent a new Olympic event, what would it be and why? Free PDF
September 12th is “National Chocolate Milkshake Day.”  Write a letter to your school’s principal persuading him or her to serve milkshakes at your school.  Free PDF
Today is “National Video Games Day.” Both kids and adults love playing video games. Get your creative juices flowing and ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
Tomorrow is “National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day.” Make a plan to ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 13
September 13th is “Positive Thinking Day.”  Create a “Top 10” list of ways that students can stay positive when things get tough. Free PDF
On September 13, 1916, author Roald Dahl was born.  One of his more popular books, James and the Giant Peach, was made into a movie.  There is always a debate about which to do first – read the book or see the movie.  Which do you think is the right choice?  Has there been a time when your choice was wrong?  Explain. Free PDF
Today is “National Peanut Day.” You, or some of your classmates, may have an allergy to peanuts. These little nuts have been a popular snack ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 4-12) *New*
September 14
The first spacecraft to reach the moon did so on September 14, 1959. The Luna 2, a Soviet spacecraft, landed on the moon and discovered it had no significant magnetic field. Do you think there will ever be a day when humans live on the moon? Free PDF
On this day in 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner.”  As you may know, this song is our national anthem.  Explain what it means to you to be an American. Free PDF
Audio clip of song:
Today is “National Cream Filled Donut Day.” Donuts have changed over the decades. We started out with ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 15
September 15th is “National Make a Hat Day.”  Create your own hat and draw it on your paper.  Describe your hat and explain who would be most likely to use your hat. Free PDF
September 15th marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month.  Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about this holiday and summarize them in your own words. Free PDF
Today is “International Dot Day.” Get inspired to make your mark, your dot, on the world. ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
Today is “ Day.” A common phrase these days is: "Just Google It". What did people ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 16
September 16th is Independence Day in Mexico.  Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about this country and summarize them in your own words. Free PDF
On September 6, 1620, the Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth, England.  If you had been a Pilgrim on the Mayflower, explain what some of your joys and fears may have been. Free PDF
Today is “National Play-Doh Day.” Play-Doh is a favorite activity of kids everywhere. Did you know that it actually started out as ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 17
On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was signed. Amendments 1-10 are known as the Bill of Rights. Select one of these Amendments. After reading it and learning what it means, summarize the Amendment in “kid” terms. Free PDF
September 17th is “Citizenship Day.”  Explain what you think it means to be a good citizen of the World, the United States, your state, your town, and your school. Free PDF
On this day in 1976, NASA introduced the Enterprise to the public.  This was the first space shuttle and served as a test vehicle.  Regular shuttle flights began in 1981 with the shuttle Columbia. Do you think we should move forward with the idea of space tourism?  Instead of going to Disney World, your family may choose to travel into space.  What are your thoughts and opinions? Free PDF
September 17th is “Constitution & Citizenship Day.” What do you think is the most important ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 18
On this day in 1851, the New York Times newspaper was first published.  Do you think it’s important for students your age to keep up on current events?  Why or why not? Free PDF
Today is “National Cheeseburger Day.” These days you can find some crazy things on hamburgers including: ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 19
Residents of Mexico were shaken by a magnitude 8.0 earthquake on this date in 1985. Is the area you live in prone to earthquakes? Use classroom and Internet resources to learn the likelihood of you feeling an earthquake. Free PDF
On this date in 1819, poet John Keats wrote a poem entitled "To Autumn.”  In just a few days, autumn will begin.  Write a poem that describes the change in seasons. Free PDF
Today is “Talk Like a Pirate Day.” Write some fun pirate ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 20
On this date in 1519, Ferdinand Magellan began his search for the Spice Islands.  Magellan led the first successful attempt to sail around the entire Earth.  Compare sailing today to how it probably was in 1519. Free PDF
Today is “National Punch Day.” Does it mean punch - a motion with your arm? Or punch - a fruit flavored drink you drink? Make a ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-6) *New*
September 21
On September 21, 1928, elementary-aged students were introduced to the current event magazine called My Weekly Reader (now: Scholastic News). This student resource is now available in print or digital formats. Why do you think it’s important for you and your classmates to stay up-to-date on the latest current events from around the world? Free PDF
September 21st is “International Peace Day.”  What can you do to help keep peace in:  your school, your classroom, and your family? Free PDF
September is “National Courtesy Month.” Make a list of people who you ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 22
On September 22, 1973, Henry Kissinger was sworn in as the U.S. Secretary of State. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the role of Secretary of State. Summarize your information in your own words. Free PDF
On this day in 1789, the United States Post Office opened.  In recent years, many people have begun to use email.  Do you think there will ever be a time in the future that the only items actually “mailed” by the Post Office are packages?  And all letters and magazines will be sent via email? Free PDF
Today is “National White Chocolate Day.” There is white, milk, and many different types of chocolate. No matter the flavor, chocolate can cover ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
Today is “National Ice Cream Cone Day.” Ice cream is the obvious thing to put in an ice cream cone, but what other yummy ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 23
Autumn begins today.  What is your favorite season?  Explain why you enjoy that particular season. Free PDF
"National Dog Week" is the 4th week of September. There is a saying that a dog is "man's best friend." How do you think this saying came to be and does it hold any truth? Free PDF
On September 23, 1938, a seven-foot time capsule was buried on the grounds of the World’s Fair in New York City.  A number of everyday items were placed in the capsule with the directions to be opened in five thousand years.  If your teacher asked you to create a time capsule today, what items would you place in the capsule and why? Free PDF
Tomorrow is “National Punctuation Day.” Your teacher will tell you how many sentences to write. You can choose the topic, but be sure ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 24
On this day in 1952, just off the coast of Japan, the underwater volcano, Myojin-Sho, erupted. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about these unique landforms and summarize them in your own words. Free PDF
On this day in 1789, the Supreme Court was established.  Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about the Supreme Court’s role in our nation’s government and summarize them in your own words. Free PDF
Rosh Hashanah begins today.  This event is commonly known as the Jewish New Year. Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about this holiday.  Summarize the facts in your own words. Free PDF
Today is “National Punctuation Day.” You will be adding punctuation to the ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*
September 25
On September 25, 1513, Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean.  What types of things do you think we still have to discover about the ocean? Free PDF
On September 25, author and illustrator Shel Silverstein was born.  Silverstein is known for his crazy, fun and silly poems.  Read several poems from several of his books.  Select one of the poems and create your own poem that mimics the specific style, pattern, etc. that he has used in that poem.  Don’t forget to illustrate your poem, once again staying within the style of Silverstein. Free PDF
Today is “National Comic Book Day.” Comics can put smiles on people’s faces or even teach them important lessons. Choose a ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 4-12) *New*
September 26
On September 26, 1774, John Chapman was born.  Later in life, he became better known as Johnny Appleseed.  Johnny performed a “community service” as he traveled west spreading apple seeds.  Write about some types of community service that you could possibly perform. Free PDF
Today is “National Pancake Day.” Pancakes can be paired with a variety of toppings or fillings, and can be ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 26th is “National Johnny Appleseed Day.” Johnny Appleseed is known for his journey westward with the settlers, planting apple trees and ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 4-12) *New*
September 27
September is “National Classical Music Month.”  Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about a classical musician and summarize your information in your own words. Free PDF
Today is “National Chocolate Milk Day.” Explain what you ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-3) *New*
September 28
Today is "Native American Day." Using resources in the classroom, learn five (5) facts about a Native American tribe that used to live in or near your area. Summarize your information in your own words. Free PDF
September 28th is “National Good Neighbor Day.” Explain what you think ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 29
On September 29, 1789, the U.S. Congress passed an act that officially established the U.S. Military.  Write a letter to a serviceman or servicewoman who is currently serving our country overseas. Free PDF
Today is “Good Neighbor Day.”  Make a list of everything you can do to be a good neighbor for those who live around you. Free PDF
As you may remember, September was “Better Breakfast Month.” At the end of August, you made a plan of how you could make your breakfasts better. ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: K-12) *New*
September 30
In 1849, Walter Hunt invented the safety pin.  Write a poem to commemorate the invention of this handy device. Free PDF
Today is “National Chewing Gum Day.” Gum is often not allowed in school. Write a letter explaining ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-8) *New*
Today is “National Chewing Gum Day.” Get creative and make a list of all the ... - Premium Prompt (Grades: 3-12) *New*

DISCLAIMER: We have provided “suggested” grade levels for some of our writing daily prompts. These suggestions are made based on the content of the prompt, the interest level of the topic, or the level of background knowledge needed to have the most success possible with the prompt. Please remember that these are suggestions only and each prompt can be modified as needed by you, the teacher. Don’t hesitate to get creative and rework the prompt to best fit the age/needs of your students!

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Writing Prompts: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

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