World Famous Puzzle and Worksheet Makers The Teacher's Corner


The Teacher's Corner Resources This indicates resources located on The Teacher's Corner.

The Teacher's Corner Resources "Camp Out in the Library"

I choose a theme and I actually bring in a tent from my home and mount it in the library and we do different things related to a topic, that could be a specific author or book character, where we read stories, make crafts to put in display and crafts that are put outside of around the school and in the trees like bird feeders made with peanut butter and bird seeds, etc. 

This year I'm going to do it in the month of May to introduce the Summer Fun Time where READING is one of the GREAT things you can do to enjoy your summer.  Here at TASIS we assign Summer Reading Books to each grade where the students reads 1000 pages or more and come ready in August for a Ceremony that takes place at the school congratulating the students for the wonderful reading the have done.  The students enjoy this activity very much and it encourages them the importance of reading, learning and traveling through books.

I encourage any teacher or librarian to try this with their students, I guarantee that they will LOVE IT!
Submitted by: Wendy Nieto - Dorado, Puerto Rico

The students enjoy this activity very much and it encourages them the importance of reading, learning and traveling through books.
Submitted by: Wendy Nieto - Dorado, Puerto Rico

100 Picture Books Everyone Should Know
Another great New York Public Library resource.

American Library Association Home Page
You can find out right away the winners of the Newbery and Newbery honors and the Caldecott medal winner and honor winners.

Awesome Library - K-12 Education Directory
Search through a large data base of lesson plans.

The Children's Book Council
A great resource for both teachers and librarians.

Library of Congress Home Page
Search through our history

The Library Song
A fun song to share with your students.

The New York Public Library Home Page

On-Lion for Kids
This is a branch of The New York Public Library. It provides numerous literature resources.

School Libraries on the Web
A Directory


Booklist Home Page

Magazines for teachers:

Scholastic Teacher
BookWeb: Home Page

EMAIL us your favorite resource.

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