August Units, Lesson Plans & Activities
We have organized all of our August bulletin boards, lesson plans, activities, thematic units, and resources.
August Events Calendar
Our interactive monthly calendar that includes the various August holidays and special events. Find links to great resources.
- August Writing Prompts!
Writing prompts for everyday of the year! Along with a prompt, you also get a photo to help inspire students. Prompts are correlated with August Calendar.
August Bulletin Boards
Displays for your classroom related to the various themes and events of August. Many of our bulletin board resources overlay, so you can also find additional ideas on our main bulletin board page.
- Back-to-School
Everything you need to get your year started off right.
- Baseball
Find resources to bring "The Great American Pastime" to life in your classroom.
General activities and resources: kites, sun, watermelon, etc.
Summer Fun
A Teacher's Corner thematic unit that includes lessons, activities, web resources, and books.
Summer Olympics
A Teacher's Corner thematic unit that includes lessons, activities, web resources, and books.
Simple Machines
A Teacher's Corner thematic unit that includes lessons, activities, web resources, and books.
- August Printable Calendar
A completely customizable printable calendar. Simply click on days and edit events, colors, backgrounds and fonts.