Homework Board
Keep students and parents informed. On one side of your board, use decorative tape to mark off a section called "Homework". You may also want to divide the space even more for each day of the week. You can also add upcoming tests, field trips, school events, special days, etc. This type of a resource makes it easy for students to copy the information into their planners at the end of each day. You may also want to have a separate area for important events that are a little further out. If you don't have room on your main board, you can always use a smaller whiteboard off to the side. Keep parents informed of this same information by doing one of the following:
Keeping Track of Assignments
Need a quick way to check if your students have handed in their work? Here's an easy solution using a small checklist. I have created two different editable versions for you to use, or you can follow the steps below.
Not up for creating your own? Click on the image to download the Word document or click HERE for the Google Doc. If you choose the Google Docs format, you will first need to "Make a Copy" to save it into your own Drive and begin the editing process. Both of the editable versions I've created use columns.
To set-off this list, copy on brightly colored paper. You might even want to use different colored paper for different subjects. Cut the sheets apart, resulting in four copies of your class list per sheet.
As you are collecting forms or assignments, paper clip a copy of your list to the front and simply check off each student's name as you receive their paper.
Submitted by: Jennifer
Make-Up Work
Whether you teach first grade or high school, keeping track of the work your students miss can be a nightmare! Here are two easy ways to get you started.
While You Were Gone Page
I created a page that included boxes for each subject area. (Click on the image and download the document that I created.) Throughout the day, information regarding in-class work and homework are written on the page. This can be completed two different ways: as a classroom job or by the absent student's desk neighbor. Either way, the page is left on the student's desk, along with any hand-outs, for when they return. I've also purchased 3-5 folders of the same color, labeled them and then used those to house the page and handouts.Wall File Box: Getting absent students' work to them during class takes up a lot of time. I put a labeled wall file box on a bulletin board for each of my classes. During class, I put the name of the absent student on the paper that he/she should have received for that day and put it in the appropriate file box. This way, the students can stop by and get their work anytime without disturbing the class. This really helped because I only see my students every other day. This system leaves no excuse for the work not to be completed by the next class session. Not only does this make them responsible for their work, but it forces them to talk to me if they have any questions.
Submitted by: Angie Mast, an eighth grade science teacher at Kokomo-Center Schools in Kokomo, Indiana. This tip was published in the NEA's Weekly "Works4Me" Email list.
Redo Papers
It never fails...student work that needs to be redone. The trick is keep these papers in a safe spot so you can get them back to the students. Here are a few teacher-tried tips to help prevent the loss of these re-do papers.