Keeping my Students Organized
I have 1" binders that I request at open house each year. I provide the students with sections that they are to keep all their things in. In the front I store 3 plastic sheet protectors. The sheet protectors consist of: weekly behavior sheet (sent home on Mondays), Reader's Theater scripts that we perform weekly, and Weekly Newsletter. Behind the sheet protectors the students have two 3-hole folders that are labeled Home and Return to school.
The students file their papers that stay at home in the orange folder and the papers that need to be returned to school the next day in the yellow. Their school agenda with their homework, spelling list and teacher daily comments is also placed in this folder. This helps the student and parent stay organized and also saves me a lot of time from having to hunt for lost papers. There are never any loose papers hanging out in desk in my classroom. Everything has a place.
Submitted by: Michael Miller mrm4mail@email-removed
Organizational Folder
A terrific idea to help keep younger students more organized. I teach full day kindergarten and at 5 years old, it is difficult to teach them what stays at home and what needs to be returned to school. To help them remember, I make an "L" on the left side of their folder that means "leave at home" and an "R" on the right side of their folder that means "return to school". This way when I give them something, I tell them to put it either on the "L" or "R" side and they know what to do. It also helps them learn and remember left and right!
Submitted by: Nicole Sciarrino
Student Schedules
We often have a number of students who leave the room on a daily basis. This might be due to meeting with other teachers for special learning goals, school clubs/activities, or flexible grouping within your grade level. Whatever the reason might be, here is a tip to make sure you and the student are headed to the right place at the right time.
Create the student's schedule on a small piece of paper or notecard. (You can easily create a digital document and include a 4-celled table.) Be sure to include the time, teacher and possibly the location for each activity they will be doing throughout the day. Once the document is complete and printed, have it laminated. If you anticipate frequent changes in the schedule, you could leave those times blank and write them in with an erasable marker.
Don't want to use a full piece of laminate for one tiny paper? Grab a role of packing tape and carefully "wrap" the schedule. This will get you the same effect without all the waste and expense.
Theme Notebooks
Help keep your students organized.
Submitted by: Michael Miller