Achievement Award Certificates Grades Any
Download dozens of awards and certificates that you can print out for your students. They are in PDF format that will allow you to type the student's name on the award before you print it. (These certificates are in PDF format.)
Fast & Easy Tracking Grades Upper
This is a simple way to help you keep track of assignments that have been handed in. "Keeping track of turned in assignments took too much of my time so I found a quick and easy way to do this. When it's time for students to turn in an assignment, I make sure that I get something from everyone. If they don't have their assignment, they must write 'I did not turn in my assignment' and sign their name on a sheet of notebook paper. These statements are turned in and used as future proof. The key is to get something from every student."
Submitted by: Patricia Johns , a teacher in Salcha, Alaska. This idea was posted in the NEA's Weekly Works4Me Newsletter.
Student Record Index Cards
If you have a large number of students to keep track of, this is your solution.
As a high school language arts teacher, I have many students. A way to keep a record of each student is with index cards (small, but you can use 4X6 and space more) and rubber bands:
1. The top (pink) line begins on the left with their last name.
2. Then first (or initial and then middle name).
3. On the far right of this line is their student ID number.
4. The class or block number goes in the uppermost right-hand corner.
5. Skip a line, then they write their parent(s)/guardian(s)' name(s) [so I'll know to whom I speak when I call home].
6. On the fourth line they write their street address.
7. The fifth line has their city and Zip code.
8. The sixth line has their home phone.
9. The next line is skipped and on the eighth I request that they put their email (as our new technology standards require they email).
If they have written compactly, their schedule can be written on the right, otherwise, it goes on the back of the card (I prefer to use that side for comments about IEPs or absences, but tape can attach a second card for that.) With a rubber band, I can easily carry them "home". If you want to use different colors for different classes, go for it! A very dear mentor gave me this more than ten years ago but I have not seen it here. Have a great year!
Submitted by: Jacqueline Bannerman